The Young Cells project is funded by the European Union under IPA II 2020. It will give to 25 civil servants the opportunity to participate to a capacity-building scheme, including teaching and training, language classes, mentoring sessions, seminars, workshops, study visits (Autumn 2023) and a 10 week-long internship in one of the 5 participating EU member states’ public administrations (January-March 2024).
The project aims at supporting the Albanian Government in its public administration reform towards the development of a more professional, efficient, and transparent civil service. The selection of the Young Cells’ participants will be based on a competitive and merit-based procedure.
In collaboration with the Department of Public Administration (DoPA) and the Albanian School of Public Administration (ASPA), the implementing consortium is composed of the French National Institute of Public Service (INSP), the University of Kehl (UASK) in Germany, the University of Bologna (UNIBO) and the region Emilia-Romagna in Italy, the National Centre for Public Administration and Local Government of Greece (EKKDA), and the National School of Public Administration (NSPA) of Croatia.
This scheme will start in September 2023 and end in April 2024.