The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (General Directorate for Europe and International Trade Policy – DGUE) awards and allocates contributions for the implementation of initiatives within the framework of the provisions of art. 23 ter of DPR 18/67 (Presidential Decree), for aims related to Italian participation in peace and humanitarian initiatives at international level.
Eligible applicants are:
- Italian public bodies (listed in the National Statistical Institute ISTAT register of public administrations);
- Foreign States;
- International organizations whose purpose is to maintain international peace and security and to implement humanitarian and human rights initiatives.
DGUE allocates contributions in the light of its strategic and structural goals approved in its Performance Plan, taking into account following criteria in order to select the initiatives to be financed:
1) aims pursued by the contribution are:
- contribution to peace and security and humanitarian initiatives in the international arena;
- support of international bodies, Italian and foreign public administrations as well as private entities active in the issues of priority interest of DGUE in the Western Balkans area including, first of all, the stabilization of the region, the strengthening of the bilateral and multilateral dialogue, the consolidation of democratic institutions and the rule of law, support to national and regional reconciliation processes, enhancement of opportunities for the young generations. Further areas of intervention will be: prevention of terrorism and extremism, reform of the justice sector and electoral systems, transparency and fight against corruption and organized crime;
- support of local authorities active in the promotion of peace and security in the international arena, with particular reference to twinning initiatives between municipalities aimed at social promotion, against marginalization and radicalization;
- strengthening the protection and promotion of human rights;
- promotion of the dissemination of and respect for international humanitarian haw.
2) characteristics of the beneficiaries and the initiative:
- capacity to operate as well as structural, technical-organizational and economic-financial reliability;
- experience in the sector combined with achievements in previous initiatives, which may already have been beneficiaries of MAECI contributions;
- direct involvement of actors from the beneficiary country of the presented initiative;
- use of partnerships and consortia with other entities.
The resources available for Italian participation in public initiatives aimed at stabilizing the Balkans, in the form of co-financing 90% of the proposed budget, amount to around 1,300,000 euros. Requests for co-financing may be sent directly to the Directorate General for Europe and International Trade Policy or through the Embassy, in compliance with the formalities referred in art. 4 of the “2023 Criteria Decree”, by 31 October 2023.
- Call for Proposals Balkans 2023 – Call (private entities)
- DGUE Annex 1 – Application Form
- DGUE Annex 2 – Budget
- DGUE Annex A – Submission of grant proposal
- DGUE Annex B – Declaration relating to the annexes in true copy of the original
- DGUE Annex C – Declaration of conformity to original documents
- DGUE Annex D – Declaration of relevance of the costsof the project